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Wavac Pr-T1


雄仔已經將部 Pr-T1 在星期一晚送到我家給我試聽.
第一感覺係好靚, 金工一流, 三件都一樣.



  • 聽了幾首歌後發覺部 pr-t1 跟之前部tube pre amp 分別很大.
    個 speaker 有必要重新擺位和要調較gain.
    我想要擺好位和調較好個 gain 之後先知部 pr-t1 的真正實力.
  • Dream Gear!!! Is the Transformer at behine put on SRA?
    Could you please share some more experience on Shindo pre & Wavac Pre? Thanks!
  • c.c.n

    Transformer 只係用本棋托起.
    Shindo 的音色比較泠.
    Wavac 的音色比較熱情

  • 查大兄,究竟黃金俠合體後有幾勁?
  • Charles,

    Share more after more burn in.

  • 查兄,你是否已被毒死?
  • Charles,

    Compared to your first posting of your system, it seems that you have a total revamp of your system from CD to the speaker! Only the FE rack remains but I notice that you have the wooden platform underneath the preamp, I believe you have a lot to share with us on all of these changes....

    Tell us more....

  • 發哥

  • 發哥

    一套 wavac 和重新擺位之後. 有很大的變化.
    部 pr-t1 的控制力非常好最明顯係低頻.
    速度快, 清晰唔使講.

  • Charles,

    What a system you have! Wavac driving Horning Eufrodite, what else can you change? Maybe, you need a CRAZY rack soon.

    Maybe, the big Orpheus Heritage DAC?? Zanden system?

  • Charles,

    Sorry! i only knew Wavac very limite. Does Wavac play Classical, Orchestra? What r they good at?

    Many thanks!

  • Wow, so many wavac fans here.

    ccn, did you buy one?
  • Marvel 大大

    首先講 cdp 變成 cdt + dac.
    已前用 Linn 1.1 這部 cdp 吸引我之處是它有音樂感和人聲尤其係女聲.
    Orphues 的 cdt + dac 密度高, 分析力, 自然生動, 動態強勁, 拾訊強 (這個價錢真超值).
    vitus 前級,
    在我有限的知識中它是我最喜愛的前級, 它清晰細致, 背景寧靜, 弱音清楚, 動態都唔錯, 控制力又好.
    而家最喜愛的前級當然係部pr-t1 除了細致度不及 vitus 之外整體表現都好過vitus.
    Roland 312 後級係錯配了 linn 的 speaker.
    805 配 linn 的 speaker 的聲明顯有高中低平衡度很好.
    312 配 linn 的 speaker 只有高和中有較好的表現, 低頻很不自然.
    Linn 的 speaker由於它有超高空氣感相當好, 加上用了linn 的 cdp 就有很重 linn 的味道.
    大 horning 令我體會到乜嘢係真音樂.
    它把樂器還完度很高, 很真實, 樂器上的細微幾化都能表現出來, 低頻量充沛有力.


  • Charles,

    You are right, Vitus SL100 is a very good solid state preamp with flying colours on almost every hi-fi aspects. It is a bit timid and lack of flares compared to another solid state preamp Karan. I am still swap using Karan and Syren and right now, I am listening to Karan. Wavac is tube and comparatively speaking Vitus will not have much advantage except the resolution on microscopic details. I think music covers big picture demanding a total package on overall coherence, dynamics and rhythms, let alone resolution. Orpheus source gives you the resolution and details and Wavac delivers them with passion and energy via the Eufro...what a combination.

    Blind judging from the picture of your room, I guess you will soon be 'itchy' to consider the Heritage DAC. I am listening to Heritage DAC while writing...the level of details and linearity in all dimensions are stunning. I cannot compared with Zanden DAC back to back at this moment because I am in shortage of 2-3 power cords but I can confidently tell you that on top of O1SE, Heritage can fill up all the holes and gaps that you might find with lots of textures and inner details.

    Looking forward to watching your Part 2, 3... on your system....

  • There will be some serious wavac action today. 6 cartons of goods weighing 300kg landed amidst a rainy day.
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