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Could this be the craziest 300B stereo amp ever built?

We shall find out soon enough. How does it compare to another master's work on 300b?


  • This stereo 300b is extremely heavy. We need strong strong man to get it out from the box because the entire base is milled from solid block of aluminium.
  • Very fine work on metal polishing
  • Just as we were preoccupied with details, another pair of MD805 for pre-ordered customer arrived.
  • who is the lucky guy?
    I'm interested what speaker pair with the 300B?
  • studiogrey, most single ended 300b amplifiers (either monoblock or stereo) produce 8 watt, but Wavac manages to produce 10 watt through the ITIC circuit (which I don't understand what is it). Also, wavac uses interstage-transformer coupling between the input stage and the output stage. There is no capcitors in between the path. Usually transformer coupling design has more power drive in my experience.

    When you listened to the Da Vinci Grandezza system driving the Kharma midi exquisite, the 4 huge block together also produces 10 watt of power. Each channel uses a pair of 300B in the amplification stage - parallel single ended. The EC300B is pure single end design and still can produce 10 watt of power measured at the speaker terminal under 8 ohm impedance loading. I dare say this EC300B can drive most speakers IF you can give up some macrodynamic and transient information in the bass section. 300B is never really intended for rock and roll, big symphonic scores. In the case of Da Vinci speaker, the Intonation speakers carries a pair of active bass system. 10 watt is purely for the one single full range driver.

    The EC300B is for myself. I am collecting 300B amplifier. I want to know how extreme vloices and violin can go under this legendary tube. I want to understand the mind of different designer.
  • PT,

    Since you are collecting 300B amps, may I humbly suggest also the parallel-single ended version of Gakuoh or the Kegon from Kondo? Then you have IITC from Nobu Shishido, Western Electric "proper" from Ken Shindo, ultra-passionate Kondo, and the European interpretation of an American icon from Da Vinci.

    All you need then is just a lot of engraved-base 300B from the 50's.

    Please don't light my 300B fire again :-)
  • Based on a short listening period of 30 minutes, what I can say is the Wavac EC300B is much more expressive than the previous monoblocks. It clearly has much more dynamics in the bass and has much better grip on the 16 inch bass of the Cessaro. Transients in the mid-range are delivered with more energy. In short, the stereo amp has more power drive than the previous monoblocks.

    At this level, there is no clear winner, only preferences depending on musical taste. The sense of calmness and serenity of the previous offering is gone in exchange for burning passion. On opera music, I can say with confidence that the Wavac's delivery is excellent. On Chopin's piano sonata, the previous amp suits better.

    I am sure you know what I mean. The EC300B is indeed crazy stuff.

  • FMR on EC300B is inevitable. Control alongside resolution of the 16 inch bass improves significantly. Bass clearly goes deeper,
  • After listening a full set of WE300B on the Da Vinci Grandezza system, I really could not go back to NON-WE sound. The wavac's excellent control of energy alongside Cessaro's dynamic creates an unprecedented live experience to me. I was listening to Byrn Terfel, Eason Chan Live in Concert, Joey Yung Live in Concert as well as Horowitz's Mozart Piano concerto one after another straight for 1 hour. The transparency shot through the Z axis to the fartherest end permits by my room acoustics. The blend of the audiences' sound and the main vocal is seamless, while keeping the individuality of each instrument on the musical landscape intact. The sense of energy variations makes you feel as if the singer is just singing in front of you. The dynamic of the accompanying orchestra is present with enough weight and speed. (The 845 tube has more weight but less transparency and intimacy to my own taste). The Cessaro Horn truly allows me to understand the pros/cons of each design like a crystal ball.

    I am just a little bit greedy on the power side. If the EC300B could offer me an extra 10 watt, that will be perfect. I can't wait to listen to Studiogrey's HE833 with 150watt pure SET power in late August driving his Kharma midi exq.

    It is not possible to combine the magic of SET with driving power. Wavac seems to find a way to do it and the EC300B let me taste the impossible duality, albeit the 16inch bass can take even more power. Within the limitation of the room, I am thoroughly happy with the EC300B. It truly deserves its worldwide recognition as one of the best 300B stereo amp around.

  • And the EC300 has no SRA OHIO XL+2 base yet. Mr.Zanden has ordered a complete set of SRA OHIO XL+2 for all of his Zanden electronics pending delivery in late July. I am sure the Cessaro will be able to reflect the tremendous improvement brought from the SRA more easily than any other speakers.

    Mr.Zanden, maybe you should get the remaining two Ohio XL+2 for your Zanden 9600.
  • PT, I see a lot of foreign site said the vibration control is very important for the Power-M but the high hand here said the source may more sensitive.
    I have limited budget on hand that only afford 2 of SRA OHIO XL+2,
    What is your suggestion, Esoteric P/D03 or Wavac 833 mono?
  • Usually, tube amp are sensitive on vibration, i prefer go for the amp first. Does your rack still have room for the 833 mono?
  • The essence of SRA, especially the Ohio XL+2, is the amp stand. I don't think the EC300B is showing off its true color until the arrival of the matching Ohio XL+2 amp stand for it. The vibration sound is there, I simply know, even though the EC300B is so heavily coupled to the carpet (bad for high frequencies but I have no other choice now).
  • CCN, my rack will change before the 833 arrive.
    still headache on it, not only the sound but my wife :(
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