I envy you have a good area to play hi-fi. I fully understand your happiness after PT treated your room.
As Marvel bro mentioned, I am using Orpheus Zero and One SE dac with SMR digital cable. You wont regret to buy this combo and you will immediately move to the "next level" after you install them in your place.
If you don't mind travelling a long way, you are always welcome to come to listen to my O combo so as to help your consideration.
Actually, this is physics. The steel spikes of the Linn speakers collide against the hard tile floor. The resonances/vibration in that area is HUGE. This vibration then goes up VERTICALLY to your speakers, traveling from the bass units FIRST, and then all the way to your TWEETER. The improvement is predictable in this case.
However, if your FLOOR is already covered with very very thick carpet, then I probably would not recommend you to use this wooden block because the soft nature of carpet helps offset the hard tone/resonance of the steel spikes.
The use of WOOD is also an art. Maple usually sounds faster due to lesser density but lacks control. That is why you see there is another layer of wood which is harder in density inbetween the interlaces. We want speed but also control at the same time.
Thank you for your trust. I am sure you are getting much more music from the Orpheus player now. When the O1SE dac arrive next week, you will be very much shocked like Azzuri and many others who are using O1SE dac.
Too bad you missed the big Horning speakers show today. I will write more about it later.
I will bring with me the wooden board made by my master in France when I visit you with the O1SE dac later this week. There are remaining works to be done on the acoustics front (Don't worry, the works will be much fewer than last time as I intend to treat the 2 side wall plus your rest room on the right hand side of your speaker.)
If you want to audition the big Horning, I can arrange as well. But better settle the SOURCE first and then you will realize the next bottleneck is the speaker.
Would you give me your email address
My email address is "kamfai24@netvigator.com"
Many Thanks
收唔收到我發給你的 e-mail ar
多謝你的意見. 我會好好的考慮.
As Marvel bro mentioned, I am using Orpheus Zero and One SE dac with SMR digital cable. You wont regret to buy this combo and you will immediately move to the "next level" after you install them in your place.
If you don't mind travelling a long way, you are always welcome to come to listen to my O combo so as to help your consideration.
我當然不會怕遠. 我忙完之後一定到你處欣賞用你的組合.
這是我的 e-mail address "hkkalimui@yahoo.com.cn"
I got my Orpheus zero/1SE dac last week. They simply sound fantastic! You won't go wrong.
My 2 cents.
Any improvement after using the wooden disc (interlaces) under the spike of your Linn speakers?
正是你所講的一樣. 低頻多咗. 整個音場清晰.
分間度, 層次感, 都有很大的改善.
這 8 粒 wooden disc 真係神奇.
Actually, this is physics. The steel spikes of the Linn speakers collide against the hard tile floor. The resonances/vibration in that area is HUGE. This vibration then goes up VERTICALLY to your speakers, traveling from the bass units FIRST, and then all the way to your TWEETER. The improvement is predictable in this case.
However, if your FLOOR is already covered with very very thick carpet, then I probably would not recommend you to use this wooden block because the soft nature of carpet helps offset the hard tone/resonance of the steel spikes.
The use of WOOD is also an art. Maple usually sounds faster due to lesser density but lacks control. That is why you see there is another layer of wood which is harder in density inbetween the interlaces. We want speed but also control at the same time.
Thank you for your trust. I am sure you are getting much more music from the Orpheus player now. When the O1SE dac arrive next week, you will be very much shocked like Azzuri and many others who are using O1SE dac.
Too bad you missed the big Horning speakers show today. I will write more about it later.
部 Orpheus player 未加部 O 1SE 已經好過部 Linn 1.1.
今日下午先回到香港. 所以未能參加.
I will arrange more gathering next time. Definitely count you in.
1. 弱音清晰細膩
2. 動態快上快落
3. 定位準確
部 Orpheus 都未 run in 但以上幾點都已經好過部 linn 了
再有 gathering 我一定抽空去.
I will bring with me the wooden board made by my master in France when I visit you with the O1SE dac later this week. There are remaining works to be done on the acoustics front (Don't worry, the works will be much fewer than last time as I intend to treat the 2 side wall plus your rest room on the right hand side of your speaker.)
If you want to audition the big Horning, I can arrange as well. But better settle the SOURCE first and then you will realize the next bottleneck is the speaker.