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The Happiness of Charles

Tonight, I treated the acoustics of this room. After applying 4 silver resonators and 1 platinum resonator along with 5 diffusors in 5 strategic location, a substantial amount of room noises was cleaned up. The soundstage unfolding in front of Charles is palpable with vivid imaging. The smile from him is sincere and so real that it really brightened up my day despite I went all the way into Yuen Long after work.


  • Charles has a very good room. The positioning of the speakers is determined by the golden ratio. I am very satisfied with this site. The only imperfection tonight is the absence of "interlaces" under the steel spike of his Linn speakers. The hardness of the floor collide directly against the steel spikes causing resonances. These resonances will travel vertically back upward from the bass driver to the tweeter. Of course, with the bass drivers being located closer to the hard floor, the bass will firstly be affected. If the interlaces are here tonight, I am sure the bass can extends a few more octaves with more elasticity. Of course, this has to work in conjunction with the Argento Serenity Reference speaker cable. Even without burn-in, when the room acoustics are correct, the sound is magical.
  • Not a surprise, another big fan of Flow.
  • If the source of this system could changed to Zanden or the Orpheus Zero/One dac or Zero/Heritage Dac, I could foresee the listener will be able to share the same acoustic space with musicians on the recording. In other words, he will be completely wrapped by the soundstage as if it was recorded on the discs. Good room is not easy to find, and I foresee this will be one of the references in the Yuen Long area, following Butcher (still need to work a bit more on the bass).
  • What a nice listening room with "golden ratio"
  • 個場好整潔
    部Orpheus大解碼連日本仔本Stereo Sound都話堅
    揪低Wadia部931成為Best Component
    今期大陸書又講到好堅 可考慮考慮.......
  • Charles, what a great room you have! I use Jeff Rowland amplifier too. I have the same speaker cable like you! They are great match! My speaker is B&W804, and CD is Orpheus Zero and One SE dac with SMR digital cable. I don't have nice room like you but PT help me a lot on room acoustics.
  • 我跟alan一樣, 我都想有charles這麼大的房屋玩音響 唉但沒有0..0", 我見你用Serenity Reference speaker cable. 我好想擁有這條cable, 我去過幾個朋友的家裡. 他們的組合都用這條cable. 真的好好聲. 我好想擁有. 但沒有錢錢. 努力儲錢錢買0..0 加油. 加油.

  • 首先多謝 PT 到寒舍攪 room treatment.
    正所謂唔滾唔知身體好, 唔賭唔知時運高.唔攪過 room acoustics 都唔知我套 Hi Fi 可以咁正.
    係未攪之前我預計會有啲改善. 點知攪完之後我都唔敢相信可以好咁多.
  • 發哥

    我未攪 room acoustics 之前都冇想過要換cdp不過攪完後又覺得有必要呀.
  • Charles兄
    JR302唔錯 SR喇叭線超班
  • 發哥. 我自己個人覺得除了換訊源之外. 我相信Charles用了的我現在horning speaker, 更加會開心. 以Charles家裡有這麼好的聽音樂環境^^.

    Charles, 如果你有興趣, 你可以到我家裡試聽. 因為大家都住在元朗.
  • 發哥

    我會換訊源的. 只是心大心細唔知換邊部.

  • butcher 兄

    我當然有興趣啦. 我們住得咁近以後可以多多交流下.
  • Charles,

    如果你不busy的時候, 可以隨時call我, 我們再約. 今個星期日有幾個tuen mun的朋友來我家聽這對新的speaker.
  • Charles,

    Although PT recommended above that you may consider Orpheus Zero + One SE DAC, I personally would suggest the upcoming Zanden one-piece player as an alternative. Orpheus cd combo is undoubtedly a superb couple, I have heard the same in Azzurri's place, another friend of mine is using the Zero transport matching with Zanden 5000Mk4 DAC. Both of them are having difficulites in finding another better alternative at that price range and more than it. Both of them are using SMR/SMR SE digital cable in-between.

    Zanden's upcoming one-piece would be another masterpiece by Yamada san resembling much of the superb characteristicis of the 2000p transport and 5000Sig DAc. I have a high expectation on it and selfishly I do want to see if any one out there would try it and I could have a chance to listen to it.

    You won't be wrong in taking either one of the option, just my 0.2cent.

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