The rack would help a lot...I recall installing this rack replacing another one...the feeling is like watching the film 'Matrix' where the weapon locker suddenly multiply many folds and go deep into the screen. The soundstage improvement is like will be surprised by the spacial details that have been recorded in the CD but somehow distorted by the rack.
I am glad that you have not undermined the importance of the platform and rack which in many cases are not sitting on the top of the priority list for upgrade.
I lost your name card on the way home...hope I can catch up with you on your new SACD/CD source.
If you have tried the resonator/diffusor from AE, this rack is from the same designer, Franck who uses his golden ear to design this master piece, a convergence of science and art validated by human ears... Trouble is the lack of good wood material to make more of this.
I am very pleased with Butcher's setup. I spent 2 hours there yesterday doing little tweaks without adding anything new. An eventual addition of the O1SE dac is inescapable.
The rack would help a lot...I recall installing this rack replacing another one...the feeling is like watching the film 'Matrix' where the weapon locker suddenly multiply many folds and go deep into the screen. The soundstage improvement is like will be surprised by the spacial details that have been recorded in the CD but somehow distorted by the rack.
I am glad that you have not undermined the importance of the platform and rack which in many cases are not sitting on the top of the priority list for upgrade.
(too bad i ve party this Sat, cannot come.)
Hi! Marvel, butcher, is those platform & rack really that good???? Do i need to call PT for it right now????hahaha...
I lost your name card on the way home...hope I can catch up with you on your new SACD/CD source.
If you have tried the resonator/diffusor from AE, this rack is from the same designer, Franck who uses his golden ear to design this master piece, a convergence of science and art validated by human ears... Trouble is the lack of good wood material to make more of this.
What wood material is that? How different with other brand's product etc. Finite Elemente, Symphosium, i m looking the plattform for the cdt & dac
marvel, 我因為這幾天工作很忙, 所以沒有時間, 我會慢慢領略你所講的一切.
c.c.n, 我家裡不像showroom呀, 你這樣講會殺了我, 我在這裡跟你們的前輩. 我只是初學者呀, 不過真的謝謝你^^
在上面post的相片是我太太幫我拍照的, 可以嗎? 哈哈. 今天不講音響及音樂. 是我的回顧. 國慶0..0". 回憶在這裡玩音響的歷程, 真是感觸良多. 在AE成立至今, 我跟隨他們一起成長, 我很開心, 我見證AE日益壯大, 客戶越來越多, CD機由最Gryphon或B&W最低級的SPEAKER開始到現在, 我真的不感想像. 0..0”
謝謝大家^^ 晚安