2019 (til August) has been a very exciting year and a great advancement for my understanding.
My vote goes to:
1. Vertere Phase management as it sits at the heart of the system and has an effect on all that's attached to it. Love it!
2. Engtrom Arne - for the punch it delivers in that package.
3. Wadax Reference Dac - for the "analoging" of the more convenient digital world.
4. Sterling Trayle - your depiction of music revolutionises what we already have. With your understanding of it and PT's description, it has helped me considerably.
5. Tripoint NG - who doesn't want one?
6. La Sound cables - Im sure Paolo and PT are conjuring up more goodies.
My vote goes to:
1. Vertere Phase management as it sits at the heart of the system and has an effect on all that's attached to it. Love it!
2. Engtrom Arne - for the punch it delivers in that package.
3. Wadax Reference Dac - for the "analoging" of the more convenient digital world.
4. Sterling Trayle - your depiction of music revolutionises what we already have. With your understanding of it and PT's description, it has helped me considerably.
5. Tripoint NG - who doesn't want one?
6. La Sound cables - Im sure Paolo and PT are conjuring up more goodies.