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AE in Munich 2016



  • Being a long term supporter of Argento, I also feel very excited seeing and hearing FMR EE in the Munich show.  The total time to build a pair of speaker cable is extremely long and I understand from Ulrik that their currently production until the end of this year would be less than 10 pairs.  I don't know how many will be allocated to AE. 

    Indeed, since 2007 when Flow was first launched, my system has been gradually equipped with almost a full house of FMR and FMR SE.  Admittedly, other brands started to 'intrude' into various places in my system and now I am only left with a Flow Center and Olympic Reference 2012.  I am more longing for this 'Empire Strikes Back' than anyone else!!

    Yes, cable fights seem unavoidable!  May the Force be with me!!

  • Any idea when is FMR EE due?  I have high expectation on Ulrik.  I believe Argento is the only cable manufacturer that does not have any new flagship model for almost 7 years!  Look at the span of 7 years on siltech, nordost etc, probably already 2 generation evolved. 

    Ever since the posting of EE, I took out my FMR power cord and use it on the Takumi K15 preamp, I have to say the quality after 7 years is still excellent. The fame of SMR EE in those years was 一時無兩。I hope FMR EE will bring shock to us. 

    Is is there a FMR EE power?
  • yes, according to my conversation with Ulrik, FMR EE power will be available end this year or earlier.
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