If you have a budget to add only Ohio Class platform one component to existing components on SRA scuttle. Which one will you look to put under? Pre amp, monoblocks? Current thales turntable on thales platform.
I’m a new owner of Virginia.2 amp stands and wanted to say a few words as they have been transformative for my system… they are absolutely amazing - Chris said they would be - so I was expecting a very meaningful upgrade to my system… in reality they far exceeded my lofty expectations…
Introducing the Virginia.2 amp stands literally woke up my system…
I have experienced very noticeable and gratifying improvements in terms of reduction in noise floor and distortion over time by investing in my system - in terms of better components and grounding equipment…
Nonetheless I was blown away by the DEGREE of distortion that was removed with the Virginia.2 amp stands… these amp stands added so much more directness in terms of connection to music and involvement in the musical experience it is unreal and I am shaking my head in disbelief…
What they do is make my system sound so much more like the real thing rather than reproduction of sounds… they make my system sound non-mechanical in a MASSIVE way… I stress on this because the term is used loosely all the time but in this case it’s to a game changer degree!!
Digital sounds so much more like analog and analog has gone to new heights…
So many parameters have improved so it’s really difficult to analyze - also I’m getting too lost in music to pay attention but I’m giving it a shot here…
What they have done is made my soundstage so expansive with so much more space - front to back and side to side… within this soundstage music is released with such naturalness, accuracy, and fluidity… there is absolutely more layering and depth but these do way more than just that…
Each note has a very well defined harmonic structure with leading edge that has more bite now without being strident, with mids that have real substance and bass that is now both more expansive and extremely well defined. The soundstage is so well structured with each note releasing air in such controlled but natural manner… as in sustains and decays linger but there is no overhang. Multiple notes releasing with this same ease and fluidity with tremendous image stability recreate the acoustic space in a much more noticeable way now…
Simultaneously there is more delicacy and greater appreciation for artistic talent because pacing is more refined. Due to this I have greater appreciation for the talent of the musicians behind the music…
Not to forget another meaningful improvement is how they thrive on complexity - what was congested before sounds fully resolved - the improvement in transparency and expansiveness of soundstage totally declog musical passages that seemed overly complex and too hot to handle for my system before…
These amp stands really are an exceptional statement product that ultimately bring it all together in terms of the musical message and you put you in a state of relaxation rather than analyzing music… they are about building an emotive connection to music rather than sound because they dial everything in and it’s an aha! moment because everything comes together with them…
They are colorless so ultimately what one is really hearing is all the investment made in the building blocks of the system… I wouldn’t have known how much potential my system had without these!!
Chris can’t thank you enough for your recommendation!!!! Last but definitely not least thank you Kevin you are a genius!!!!!!!!!!
Seek your expert opinions..
If you have a budget to add only Ohio Class platform one component to existing components on SRA scuttle. Which one will you look to put under? Pre amp, monoblocks? Current thales turntable on thales platform.
thanks in advance