Welcome to HK and a pity that I cannot meet up with you face to face!! Look forward to meeting you in the Jul show! Until then, all the best!! Don't rush on my Chukoh, finish the super phono first.
Setting up Chukoh ASAP to allow more burn in time for The show next Saturday. This one is also sold but we can only deliver after the show. As of today, every single Chukoh is either sold or presold.
I know you guys are more into Chouku, Chukoh and Jinpu but it would be also interesting to read more about the new 9150 monos. How powerful they are, how do they sound, more technical details...etc. Thx.
「仁風」在第四屆AE Super Show只作靜態展示,當時山田告知要多一個月時間便能完成,可是轉眼已經是初秋,為何延後了整個季度?大家可不知道一個山田的秘密,就是他從來冇「打過工」,工作從冇有死缐壓力!山田認為大企業只是重視分工按序的効率,卻忽略了個人「大圖畫」的視野和「創意」空間。不過凡事總有正反兩面,山田雖有大師的功架和耐性,但量度的準確度仍有進步空間,所以森氏的出現立即產生正面的協同効應。
Welcome to HK and a pity that I cannot meet up with you face to face!! Look forward to meeting you in the Jul show! Until then, all the best!! Don't rush on my Chukoh, finish the super phono first.