Piano Tuner
Re: Dalby Akasu Stabilizer - Art of Record Weight at the finest form
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Re: 資本 Capital 2024年 十月號: 御品音響 劃時代音響哲學 塑造極致體驗
無言感激我選擇了日本藝術家 ”早川克己”(Katsumi Hayakawa)的作品給予Aaron為今年的生日禮物。早川是畫「光」的能手,這幅名為《Signal 》的作品,設計概念原自他的香港演唱會其中一個造型。從他的欣悦反應,我估… (View Post)1 -
AE sponsors JAAP/LANG LANG Concert on Dec 15/17
JAAP/Lang Lang ConcertAE is honored to sponsor the upcoming JAAP/Lang Lang Concert on Dec 15/17 by HK Philharmonic at the HK Cultural Centre. Lang Lang is one of the most respected Chinese pianists i… (View Post)2 -
Re: AESG - Tonality, Transparency and Superb Detail!
I always admire the comments from critical ears, such as Karst and Martin. As I always argue the evaluation standard of audiophiles lags behind technological advancement of audio electronics, and obv… (View Post)1 -
Re: Divin Laboratory visited by Stereo Sound of Japan
Divn Lab is HALOEDMartin asked his protégé, Elliot Leung, “Why are you bringing me here to listen to my own music? I listened to them million times in different venue in the past twenty years all ove… (View Post)1