20th Anniversary of Partnership between Zanden Audio and AE
2020 marks the 20th Anniversary of the partnership between Audio Exotics and Zanden Audio.
For the memorial of this special occasion, Yamada Kazutoshi of Zanden Audio will present his final masterpiece project - “Seikoh” in 2020 to conclude the “lifetime achievement” series. 星浩 Seikoh is just an extreme red book 16/44 CD player. It won’t play any other formats. 

This extraordinary series spans a decade in the making by painstaking research alongside an artisanal attitude to cultivate the highest art of audio reproduction. It began with長空 Chouku 40 watt Class A single ended mono amplifier (2013), 宙光 Chukoh Reference Preamplifier (2015), 仁風 Jinpu Reference Phono Stage (2017), and 火雲 Kaun Reference Double Push Pull 100 watt Mono Amplifier (2018).
We shall host a special memorial evening for this occasion in 2020 pending completion status of the final masterpiece.
Chris Leung