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The 5th AE Super Hi End Show on Jul 08/09 was successfully completed

edited July 2017 in General

The 5th AE Super Hi End Show on Jul 08/09 at HKCEC 

The overwhelming success of the 3-room configuration will remain intact in 2017. Like in the past, the first day on Jul 08 is managed by our esteemed partner – AudioTechnique. There will be two pre-programmed shows on Saturday afternoon.  The following day on 09 will open for the public.   Attendants are encouraged to bring their own recordings.

The international attendances of this one-company show has always been spectacular. I received the first phone enquiry from Pakistan in April, followed by India, France, Germany, New Zealand, South Africa and mainland China.  The acclaimed recognition around the globe exemplifies our relentless drive for excellence.  The biggest challenge of sustaining such spirit is not capital, however, as commonly perceives.  We can't fight the law of large numbers due to an uprising motherland. But we aren’t giving up the defense of our core values.   

We want to build a prestige company championed by eloquence of client communications, innovative products, professional after-sales service and inspirational client education sessions.  This requires persistence and patience.  Meanwhile, AE is free from meeting sales quota and enhancing shareholder values.  We want to cradle a culture of research and development that defines the quintessence of our representations.  It is financially risky to pursue this router but we want rather to be a market maker.  Supply creates demand, not vice versa.       

I am proud to have brought up a handful of brands whose owners share the same belief as I do. All of them have been kept pushing the envelope to uncharted areas in recent years. It isn't my original plan to push my partners too rigorously this year.  Once again, it will be an exciting show given the vast world premiers. 

Dietmar Brauer of Trinity will have his own room featuring the latest arrival of two super league electronics with extreme measurement results - the Golden Reference Phono/Preamp.  He has succeeded in making the total harmonic distortion (THD) from 20hz to 20khz of the analog output stage of the phono/preamp equivalent to the THD of a bare wire connecting between the input and output of the most expensive audio analyzer in the world. (A bare wire has no distortion because there are no electronics within). This is truly a trailblazing result from a theoretical standpoint.     

All are well packed with his own reference rack containing the golden reference media server and AC conditioner.  His digital and analog electronics will pair with Cessaro Carmen wired completely by Trinity cables.  The analog turntable is the almighty Da Vinci Gabriel V3 (years after years of annual awards from premium US magazines) with Virtu XXL arm and Etsuro flagship cartridge.



  • edited May 2017

    The second room is a pure European partnership. Wadax will launch the Atlantis CD/SACD/Bluray reference transport together with the Atlantis DAC/Server. This mechanical masterpiece decodes SACD natively without PCM conversion before connection to the Atlantis DAC via Goebel statement ethernet cable.  The whole Atlantis digital chain is MQA ready with full licenses – an exciting technology developed by Meridian of UK (   Wadax is the only company in the world to provide a full MQA digital sound path using ROON as the user interface.  The international audio press is very eager for MQA demo.  Javier of Wadax will offer special MQA demo sessions during the 5th AE Super Hi End Show. 

    Engstrom will introduce the new reference preamp Monica V2 (true balance differential circuit design) and the much improved super amp “Eric” by Lars Engstrom. About 1/3 of the attendants voted the Cessaro/Engstrom room as the best last year.  The reticence and modesty of Mr Lars Engstrom is mirrored by the absolute purity of tone capturing the souls of many.  One can feel the timpani pulsate softly but insistently as if patiently waiting for the ultimate burst of crescendo chilling all spines across the hall. That was the impression of many on Engstrom electronics.  The Takumi MC One phono stage by Robert Koda features revolutionary patents-pending work on the RIAA equalization curve. The technical mastery is artful in lyrical coherence and direct in transients/dynamics.  This phono stage took Robert more than 3 years of development – solely aims at eliminating distortion of the equalization process. 

    The turntable for this room is the Disc Rotator by Dr Tomi of Sweden – rated by hardcore analog-phile as AE’s greatest found in turntable in recent years.  The engineering details of the disc rotator are meticulous with a playback quality endorsed by Master Chik as “his most admired turntable in his career”.    The Cessaro "Qian Long" (乾隆) Field Coil speakers with 18" field coil bass driver and 8" field coil mid-range towers confidently with the rest to orchestrate a phenomenal musical experience.  The lightning speed and transient capability of this speakers are tremendous.   Energy is very abundant over a wide range.  The QL are pondered by our visitors as a true masterpiece non-horn speakers. We had sold a total of 5 pairs (excluding the pair permanently displays at AE showroom) ever since Jul 16.  The prime cables in this room are Skogrand's top line - Beethoven and Stravinsky.  SRA takes care of all mechanical vibration issues by Craze 3 rack and Ohio XL+2 amp stands.

  • edited May 2017

    The final room houses the JMF 3.7 universal transport/DAC 2.2X (JMF 3.7 was voted by many as product of the year in 16 within the AE community) as the digital source and Vetere reference vinyl system as the analog source (with new reference motor drive power supply).   The public will be able to audition a complete chain of super Zanden electronics including the source for the first time. Yamada's flagship phono stage - JINPU (仁風) will sing in unison with Chukoh (宙光) preamp atop SRA craze 3 rack and Chouku (長空) mono amplifiers on SRA Virginia amp stands.    Not many have even seen the physical machine because it only stayed at AE showroom briefly.  Cable jobs are responsible by Argento's FMR EE interconnect/speaker cables together with Vetere's HB phono cable and Dalby’s exquisite JUNDO series of power cable (the first power cable makes me feel I am listening to a new pair of interconnect). 

    Miguel of Tripoint will premier TROY ELITE, the flagship model of the Troy signature line, replacing the emperor ground station.  It is akin to the size of a single Troy Empress. Troy signature remains as the evergreen entry point to the world of Tripoint.    The prototype of Troy Elite has been working in my home for 2 months.   It is not just about more silence.  It makes feel as though music reaches me directly without going through an electronic amplification chain.  Miguel has achieved another game changer in the world of grounding. 

    Experiences proved two full days of preparations are required to achieve the desired sound quality.  Detail takes time.  We always invest in areas not seen by the eyes.  Extra rental payment for an extra day is a must.    We will start moving into the venue on Jul 6.  Designers from overseas will arrive by Jul 5 the latest.

    The AE show is a tremendous job of physical and mental labor. Our local crew consists of myself, Jlam, Master Chik and Chung plus some temporary workers. We discussed intensively behind closed door on many technical parameters from the listening perspective of the attendants. Optimization of logistic efficiency is of paramount importance given the weight and number of electronics moving around.  Pre-show packing takes at least 3 days. Strains go up exponentially if some electronics malfunction suddenly.  This always happens.

    It is no coincidence that we sail this far to the fifth year.  It won’t happen without your loyal support.  We want to harbor wonderful memories for the future. All of you are cordially invited to be the witnesses of this great journey.  The annual show builds up the goodwill, radiates the spirit, and defends our core values.  AE is for the long haul.   


  • PT

    Reading your passage let me know how much effort your team will have to devote. The contribution is costly and countless. You are passionate to make me really impressed that you strive for defending the AE's faith to get the right thing done.
  • PT,

    It is a very well written piece of announcement.  I could feel the passion behind that is probably no equal to the best of my knowledge.   

    I am curious to know what is the speakers for the 3rd room pairing with Zanden?
  • Hi Jeff,

    I asked PT about the speakers at the third room yesterday because he didn't mention in the above announcement
    . He said this the biggest secret and is the ultimate weapon as well. He gave me some hint by disclosing the name of the speakers. But I still cannot guess what is it.
  • PT,

    Your writing is excellent. The passion is always felt.  My wife who is not an audiophile read this announcement a few time.  She told me before sleep, "why this guy is writing an English essay on a blog?"  A few lines are enough for an announcement. We will be there for sure. 
  • The new solidly milled STAINLESS steel chassis of the trinity golden reference line. The picture shown here is the separate power supply. I couldn't lift it up.

  • This is the new reference motor control from Vetere to be fully operational at the upcoming AE show. 

  • Vetere RG-1 Black

  • PT,

    When are you going to reveal 神曲 project?

  • 究竟是什麼?山田先生的超級解碼?
  • Big brother Jeff,

    How do you know about the 神曲 project?

    There was nothing in Munich show this year related to this name.  I also don't think Yamada is working on anything new because he is still busy with JINPU phono delivery. 
  • Brother Marvel exposed the secrecy of 「神曲會議」to me. 
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