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Argento joins the Luxury Audio Event for the Danish Consulate in Parkview, Hong Kong

Today, we set up an simple but very high end system in Parkview Hotel for the Danish Consulate. Argento from Denmark is one of the major participants in this event.


  • We decided to present a simple but highly elegant and musical system using Zanden CDP2500 signature as the CD player.
  • All the cables are obviously from Argento's top of the line: Flow Master Reference interconnects, FMR power cords, and Flow power cords etc. Today was purely for rehearsal and setup but the purity of sound flowing through the small Tidal Piano speakers are simply too good to be true.
  • edited May 2010
    Our session of presentation to the Danish Consulates and the V.I.P. was "touching". At 10:30pm, when all the guests were halfly drunk by the different vintages of OPUS One, it was challenging for me whom was given only 8 minutes (speech included) to showcase the capability of Argento cables played through a whole suite of fine electronics from Zanden (2500 signature CD player, 3000 linestage, and 9500 monoblock amplifiers) driving a pair of Tidal Piano (entry level of Tidal's speakers).

    It turned out I delivered one of the best speeches in my career. Before I hit the play button, I told the guests, "If the music cannot touch your soul, I am failed tonight." All I play is just one single boy's voice chosen from the first pressing of Vienna Boy's Choir in 1994. The floor in the Compass room of Parkview Hotel went into complete silence when the boy was singing, followed by thunderous appaulse.

    Mr. George Wong, the owner of Parkview Hotel, summoned me immediately afterwards and said to me "The voice touches my soul." I gave him the CD for souvenir. Later on, the Danish Consulate went over to compliment AE personally for a wonderful presentation. Some guests whom was highly charged by the OPUS One already in "party" mode told me they were quickly emotionally connected with the voice because of the sense of purity, in their own words, is simply unprecedented.

    The fragility and yet beautiful voice of the boy singing a song composed by Schubert is transimtted flawnessly by the purity of Argento's Flow Master Reference cables. The gentleness, the control and the various ups and downs of the voice, was merticulously amplified by Zanden's very fine electronics.

    I was touched too because I never thought it is possible given the short duration of time permitted under imperfect acoutics conditions could this system touch the soul of many.
  • The sound of this amp is exquisitely refined and controlled.
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