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已忘記最初怎樣Search得到AE此forum,但開始留意大家的對話時,我覺得大家都好有heart、好nice。我並對Horning有初步認知,講真果句,從相片中見到發哥的大Horning開始,已鍾意 “她” 的木紋,心想將來要換Speaker,也要換類似的木皮。

眼見大家對Horning有讚無彈,心想真定假,造馬,一定係造馬,但回心一想,如果真係造馬,做俾邊個睇,呢個咁冷門牌子,又無廣告、又無show room,心想呢個究竟係乜嘢牌子。

好,我就係要聽一聽,睇下有幾厲音,幾經轉接才聯絡得到Mr. Leung,閒談幾句後,怎料佢對我講:「你玩原子粒機,Horning唔啱你玩」。比你激親,我聲都未聽你就話唔啱我,會唔會太過武斷,我忍你,鬼叫自己身痕。最終不足兩日時間,我已身處係butcher家中,當聽到Horning播出之一連串樂曲後,時間已接近深夜,聽到真係唔想走,“她” 真係好似帶你到現場一樣 (其他形容詞我不懂表達),臨走時心裡有如熱窩中的螞蟻,唔知點算好,心想返屋企一定唔開機。


係上星期五收貨前收到通知,原來木皮係 “印度蘋果樹 ”,代理問我有無問題,我心想唔係要收charge嘛。哦,原來免收加一,Excellent,我最喜愛的木紋。一對 “印度蘋果樹 ”Aristoteles就此送抵家門。但器材未到,唯有得個睇字,待 “她”適應一下環境吧!

星期日,中秋節,器材已接上小Horning,準備過一個難忘的中秋節,Happy下。怎料奇怪的事情總發生在我身上,一開聲,怎麼右邊會 “擦聲”,再一次檢查所有接駁,及對調線村反復測試,情況都一樣,成個人down晒,於是打俾代理求救,我打咗一個電話俾代理,但隨即收到成7、8個回電,還待我做節過後,安排 “偉師傅”上門檢查,Mr. Leung還向我保證,如我喜歡可幫我更換一對全新。晚上,“偉師傅”檢查後對我講:「你都算好彩,此情况從未發生過」。

今早,“偉師傅”一大清早又抵達家門,並替我更換一對全新中音單元,一開聲測試完全收貨,靚聲到無倫 (再一次不懂表達)。

雖然尋日有小小失望,但有這麼有效率的代理,服務又夠貼身,而現在亦被小Horning的獨特音效蓋過了一齊,實在好正。高興認識此Speaker,更高興認識了butcher及Mr. Leung。我的確過咗一個 “難忘” 嘅中秋節,hehe!


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    I echo what you said about Mr.Leung. Warn you that he is always right, at least, in my own audio experience.
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    I'm also a Horning owner, and that was the first toy I bought from AE about 2 years ago, within this period, I have bought from AE quite a lot of gears ranging from cables, preamp to another spk system(yet to deliver this autumn). I have been asking myself the question why I keep on buying gears from AE while there are so many big name hi-fi dealers out there. Firstly of course, product quality is of paramount importance, what else,affordable stuff, no way, a lot of brands for selection, not exactly.Then what, may be you have answered my question, the AE guys are really helpful. They match gears for you base on what you need and your musical taste, they treat your house(not only your listening room) and give you advice on how to improve the performance of your system. Sometimes, they will give you 'poison' and you, accept it with joy. If you don't feel good about the sound in your house, you'll get 'poison' or cure one way or the other.For the past 2 years, me and the AE guys has built up a relationship, more than that between a customer and a hi-fi selling firm, this holds true for other AE customers I know of.
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    What I like them the most is they never do "shoe polishing" and bluntly tell you honest opinions, sometimes against their commercial interest.
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    Ya! Special thanks to 偉師傅! Although, we don't like to see him appear in your home in most of the case. ha.
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    Just a recent example, I SMS PT reporting that I have broken the Nextgen connector in the Bergman TT (which I believe Charles had the same situation before) when I switched to use SMR EE interconnect. As soon as I have got the reply from PT on SMS, my phone range and 'Master Wai' was on the line. My TT had the Nextgen connectors replaced in the next day. This is only one of the many other support services that I have received from AE over the past years.

    The magic of the success of AE, in my view, is the customer relationship does not end once you have made the payment and until you have another transaction. On the contrary, the relationship just begins and you will be continuously being looked after and taken care of like private banking. You get poisonous 'investment' advice from PT and so far his recommendations are always spot on striking a very balance among $, room, gear matching, personal taste, future 'investment' route, etc.

    Of course, their 'research' arm is very powerful in order to have a good collection of leading edge products in the market. Think about in the arena of TT, DAC, transport, preamp, phono, tube amps, SS amps, HE speakers, multiple drivers speakers, cables, I am thrilled on the brands that AE now represents and the rich knowledge of developing a system in various combinations either by the same brand or cross brands in the hands of PT!!

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