Franck spent 3 hours tweaking Dso's room for more than 3 straight hours. After listening a track of piano recording for 8 minutes, he started working right away
NOTHING was added yesterday. Franck was merely using existing resources, adjusting positions here and there. I shall leave the improvement part to Dso to describe.
DSo has been very hardworking lately. He floats up the ground of the 833 to reduce ground noises further. The hollow wall structure in between the speakers was tackled by (1) Hole Drilling (2) Resonator (3) Noise filter (4) Absorption Panel by Audiosmile. I think he is ready for the big match next week.
What you described is exactly wrong phasing. Do not mistaken more bass means the phase is correct unless you subjectively prefer this type of presentation. When the phase is wrong, there is always more bass. In orchestra setup, bass instruments are always located farther than the string sections. But if the phase is wrong, you will have a feeling the string and the bass have swapped their positions.
DSo has been very hardworking lately. He floats up the ground of the 833 to reduce ground noises further. The hollow wall structure in between the speakers was tackled by (1) Hole Drilling (2) Resonator (3) Noise filter (4) Absorption Panel by Audiosmile. I think he is ready for the big match next week.
我已乖乖聽話轉了喇叭線相位, 初頭聽低音勁了好多, 但愈聽愈唔對路, 好似低音樂器永遠在前, 而高音卻從在遠方傳來, 聽鋼琴尤其明顯, 左手突然變得好大力打低音鍵, 中高音的諧波變得好少, 小提琴的弓起弓落變得呆了, 尤其是比較大力運弓的高音好似走了去後台, 連我老婆都問我做乜搞到D聲怪怪. 最後我頂唔順, 轉翻原本正去正, 負去負, 一天光灑.
我覺得反相的接線法聽Jazz幾好因為低音推前了, 聽起來幾high, 但有點我好肯定就是現場錄音的堂音全部推後了, 從前的包圍感換成了多些低音能量.
Jlam, your girl lost the ball game (2-3)!!!
Franck 幫我 fine tune, 房的 noise 小了很多.
我聽了 Mr.Zanden 的一套 Zanden 加Alpha One後, 另我有新的體會.
至於反相的問題 Raymond 已經寫得很清楚.