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墊speaker 釘腳

今天有新玩具 see photo


  • butcher,

    what is the toy about? how to use? what does it do?

  • 這個新toys 是臺speaker的腳 試後再跟你說^0^ chee chung
  • 墊speaker的腳
  • butcher, how is the sound become after use?

  • 我之前我的discovery speaker 放在書上. 現在放在新的toys 給我的感覺是人聲比之前再柔一點. 音樂分隔再度加強及清晰

    ^0^ 希望chee chung 你可以試用
  • Butcher,

    DId you try the diffusor? I buy one piece and stick in the centre of the back wall. Big differenc! The small wood make so big diff, do you know why? I take the small out, image falls apart. I put it back, more 3D. Is this your experience too?

  • ming 是這個嗎, 我用了很久^0^
  • 因為我之前用mimistem cd 機及b&w speaker, 有一天,我形容我家裡的情況給pianotuner知. 他說我的window會造成音場及音效散開. 如果用了以上的diffusor. 會另我有意想不到的後果. 果然, 用了之後. 我的音場立刻聚集起來. 再沒有散開.. 我在這裡只可以一句. 好^0^ 看圖 照相技術有限 不要見笑
  • 在speaker中間的貼在windows的就是diffusor.^0^
  • butcher hing,

    I agree with you. If I take it out, image collapse. I put two at the back of my sonas cremona spakers. High trebel also improve. But bigger difference is the diffusor in the middle. After 2 days, I took difusor off from my cremona, high frequency not clear become. I have to put back.

    My wife say I am playing magic. She also says canno take them off.

  • Dear Ming hing, Chee Chung hing

    Magic hahaha.............. ^0^
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