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愛比朝露 未怕短暫
存在兩心堅 情不會淡


現今音響產品五花百門,應有盡有。絕對能迎合不同愛好者的需求。但如果沒有確定的立場而去選購產品,往往卻只能擁有而不可達至最基本要求。曾在多個場合中提到 Hi Fi 即High Fidelity,也就是高度逼真。我將它寫成Highly exact correspondence to the original. 原音再現的傳真程度。有了這個宗旨才去選購產品,路便會易行得多,但絕不代表容易成功。

若我們有像楊過那份愛的堅持去對待音響,對高度逼真原音再現努力達成,我相信在享受音響的過程中會充滿樂趣及挑戰性。這樣總好過滿腦子怎樣放二手,二手價怎樣,玩這牌子夠不夠威 Hi Fi就會變成Highly Fidget而不是High Fidelity了。

希望大家對高度逼真存在心堅 情不會淡,對音響愛火於心間不冷!各位楊過們,送你們貝多芬一句話…….原來他也是楊過。

I have never thought of writing for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out; that is the reason why I compose.

Ludwig van Beethoven
German Romantic composer (1770 - 1827)


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    A very good article. I am touched.
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    Yes, high quality hi fi article hard to find now.
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    I ike the concluding paragraph. Well written.

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    J.jr, it is an good writing. Your customers are people with substance.
    威 is meaningless if the system does not deliver music. This group is different. I hope more friends in the forum deliver more quality sharing and logical analytics.

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    Very well said. Better if there is an English translation for your article as I believe you do have a lot of readership from overseas.

    I am sure your effort will not be wasted in raising the bar for the standards of the hi-fi community. From time to time, I can see you are challenged on the way that you operate, it is a brand new way of business model and I see you are running it with huge success.

    One basic and fundamental aptitude that one needs to master is perhaps the understanding of music and try not to create their own perception of what real music should be like. This is always the root of the problem that people are arguing on, say, which gear is producing a better bass, but in fact, they might not even know what the bass of that piece of performance should sound like. I am no doubt among those who require more education in this arena.

    Keep it up and we will fuel you with our relentless support ($$$$)

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    Can someone translate?

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