Karan Preamp
Czech product, remarkable dynamics with unprecedented neutrality and linearity. Absolutely transparent. Again, invitation to Karan user to join in and share some of the experience.
Should I therefore replace the Baldur300 with the Karan Monoblock. Quite a difficult decision and the choice is not straight forward. In terms of matching, do you think Syren preamp should pair with Karan mono (tube+SS) and in turn, Karan preamp should match with Baldur300 (SS+tube). I was under that kind of thinking when decided to go for Baldur300 instead of a suite of Karan preamp+power.
Are you happy with the sound? It must be good sound. I think time to add a vinyl source is good. Don't change without reasons. Who knows there may be a baldur level linestage soon?
Well the sound couldn't be better with a fine position of the speaker recently. Linnman helped me to move the neo 8-10inches farther away from the rear wall thus giving it more space to breathe...