2023 HK Highend Show
For those who has attended the show last week, please feel free to give us any feedback so that we can be ever improving.
My biggest takeaway from this show is the robustness and knowledge of the AE team are noticeably enhanced. This was witnessed by the timeliness to complete the setup and be in a position to fine tune the performance onsite. Prior planning also proved to be very effective in shortening the time to identify the optimal combinations of the parameters, cabling etc.

My biggest takeaway from this show is the robustness and knowledge of the AE team are noticeably enhanced. This was witnessed by the timeliness to complete the setup and be in a position to fine tune the performance onsite. Prior planning also proved to be very effective in shortening the time to identify the optimal combinations of the parameters, cabling etc.

這是最好的一年,因為喇叭發放能量鬆容,填滿整個空間。昨年小神曲就算有岳飛超低相對吃力。我不得不讚JMF Audio的前後級,那段Jeff Beck真係技驚四座。