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HKMOL Award 2021 - AE-T shirt round the globe

edited July 2021 in General

There are four fundamental pillars for the development of leadership in individuals. The practice in acquiring knowledge to be a good leader is a continuous and endless work that can be applied in daily life; at work, at school, at home and anywhere in the world. In order to be a leader who motivates others, full of virtues and successes, the need to see each individual as a being full of skills and virtues that must be guided to become a leader for the world is important. 
For this, four pillars are necessary: ​​ingenuity, love, heroism and self-knowledge.

• Ingenuity

Ingenuity predisposes people not only to think in an original way but to live in an authentic way. Ingenuity leads people to uproot all provincialism, fear of the unknown, attachment to position or possessions, prejudice, aversion to risk, and the attitude that "this is how we've always done it."

• Heroism

The heroism inspired by the magis encourages man to set his sights high and keeps him always directed towards something more, something greater.  Heroism makes a person dreamy and pragmatic at the same time.

• Love

Love communicates purpose and passion to wit and heroism. Leaders moved by love see a world of human beings of extraordinary dignity, without fear, without greed, who do not deceive. They live on the premise that people do their best when they work for people who offer genuine support and affection.

• Self knowledge

Self-knowledge roots and nurtures other leadership virtues. The one who discovers who he is, what he wants, and what he defines has already taken the first step toward heroic leadership. Self-knowledge is an opportunity to measure life, aspect by aspect, in light of principles and goals.

Thank you Chris for show us your ingenuity, heroism, love and self-knowledge. 

Congratulations !!!
You deserve it !!!


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