IKIGAI cables 令我感動淚流
KANGAI ,是一條能量能夠穿過身體,令曲目變得有生命的地缐 (ground cable)。
起初接觸這牌子的產品,是 PT 上年應用上了Kangai Jumper在Goebel Marquis喇叭的中/高 binding post,我的第一印象是「快」。而當我將 Kangai Jumper 駁上家中的Marquis後,我馬上將Maria Joao Pires 彈莫札特鋼琴奏鳴曲的其中一小段寄給他。我告訴PT:”速度驚人!”
今天我試聽Kangai地線駁上JMF Audio DXC 2.2,想不到短短一個下午,我淚流了三遍。因為系統令我投入了三首平平無奇的國語歌:張學友2003音樂之旅收錄的「祝福」,李宗盛的既然青春留不住演唱會收錄的「我是真的愛你」,以及林志炫翻唱黃鶯鶯的「哭砂」。 對上一次有這種澎湃感覺,已經是上年在神曲工作室中秋聚會時聽李宗盛的「捨不得你」。
三位歌手的聲音,透過Kangai 地線應用在解碼上,重重包圍我的能量觸動了心弦。這不意味 Kangai 帶著動人色彩音染,相反「他」只會坦白地將能量輸送出來。這鼓能夠穿透身軀的能量,令我感覺到自己和聲音同步,三首歌曲,三個故事,有回憶、有感慨,Kangai 都能夠無修飾地傳譯出來,就這樣我不自覺地流下三次眼淚!
I don’t mean the Kangai is the most perfect, but in my place, without Kangai or EEE, this penetrating power will be gone.
1. It reveals newfound micro energy from different instruments and vocal. I am easily touched by the music than ever before without Kangai in the chain.
The result: A more transparent construction of spatial information leading to an immediate engagement with the actual performance. The violin by Gil Shaham and guitar by Goran Sollscher respectively occupies their own space. The energy of the violin and guitar does not overlap with each other. Spatial resolution of Kangai S simply lead my previous power cable used in the transport by a few notches.
「能量」,除了多與少之外,還有比例、速度、方向的分別,眾多因數配合之下,才能將身體與音樂拉近,甚至結合。Kangai S 的地線獨特之處,就是擁有一股魔力,將「能量」直接傳送到你身上,讓你與音樂緊緊扣在一起。
With Ikigai DC Cable
Without Ikigai DC Cable
Regards !!!
It is very obvious in my system. I use it at the linear power supply of my Da Vinci turntable and the linear power supply for my modem! Energy is lot more focus, and there is a lot more density, and I really mean a lot more.
The ambience details (air) are much more and the energy of vocal is very concentrated. That is my experience.