Having grown up listening to the type of music that my dad plays on his pair of Tannoy speakers sitting on two pieces of heavy white marble while the turntable spun out familiar tunes from The Beatles to The Rolling Stones, The Eagles and so on, my favorite music era has always been the 60s-70s.
Something quite transformational happened when I watched the show live right in front of my very own eyes and ears :-) , not only has Chris introduced me to a complete new genre of music i.e. Chinese opera, the whole storytelling of Rocket’s life and the delivery by him coupled with his selection of music choices, it was a trip down memory lane.
No one would doubt the amount of effort has been put behind; Chris burning the midnight oil from script writing to the incredible stereo set up that delivered such “vivid visual imagery” using music, it’s simply ingenious. But what’s more incredible, it’s how he has transformed the way how I used to see what charity / donation should be. It has somehow left a void in me now and made me reflect & rethink how I can truly help those who are in need.
That night, I played the song “Desperado” on my Spotify with my Airpods on to reminisce and savour the after taste.
「忘盡心中情」表達主人翁Rocket痛失至愛,人生找不著方向的落泊悽慘是為序幕。魔鬼不斷鼓吹他內在的 “貪嗔痴” 以激起憤怒和痛苦引誘墮落,此時大神曲響起了極之震撼的Coal Train,原來此為聽眾公投這劇最喜愛的曲第一位。冥冥中有主宰,他做過件自己也不足為奇的好事時,緣已結,隨即個人最欣賞的的是 “On Earth as it is in Heaven” (Mission Soundtrack) ,音畫令我猶如看見天使從遠方飛近。借用王家衞導演的「一代宗師」的一句:老猿掛印的關隘,不在掛印而在回頭。這亦是主角故事由悲轉喜的轉捩點。雖然慈善之路漫漫而修遠兮,但Rocket滿載著輕鬆自在的善心發揮以生命影響生命的正能量。
起初聽Chris構思,先入為主是缺乏官感刺激。現在大眾娛樂是即吃即時文化,觀眾都被寵壞了,這種有聲缺影的音樂劇怎可以‘消費’觀眾的感動呢?He proved me wrong。他口才了得,毋用謷言,而且他巧妙地運用了香港黃金80/90年代的流行曲引發共鳴感,同時亦將善心推廣至更大的一群聽眾。如果你淚線蔽塞已久,對生命感到無奈又麻木,請來Divin Lab來段奇妙之旅!
I participated in Chris’ event last year to support Food Angel as it was just a good cause and I got to enjoy a top class audio setup. I saw many fb posts about AE’s charity event this year and they got me very curious because reading the many posts from those who have been to it, it sounds like it was going to be another level up. Although I didn’t know exactly what to expect, I was eagerly waiting for the day to come when I can experience for myself what all the enthusiasm was about.
I went with a friend and we joined a group of record industry people. We arrived earlier and Chris warmed us up with a few songs off the Wadax Atlantis Reference streamer/DAC. Immediately, I was seeing an IMAX movie played out right in front of me. It was audio only for sure but this description is not an exaggeration.
In the play 茫茫路, we heard a variety of songs. Some are rich and colourful, others a brand new take on familiar tunes. However, more than anything else, I appreciate the way Chris unfolded the story. These days, we are all used to getting everything upfront and fast but when you get a chance to walk along with the person on a journey, the experience takes on a whole new dimension and is another reminder that good things come to those who wait.
Needless to say, the gears were super impressive and the setup was meticulous. To put something up smoothly in such a scale takes a lot of effort and preparation and this one has all the hallmarks of Chris’ passion in everything he does. The song selection, the version of the song selected, which setup to use for which recording, the ongoing tweaks to make it just that “little bit” better each time. That’s dedication. That’s excellence.
The real life story of how Rocket found his purpose certainly makes one think about their own life mission. We all want to enjoy life but for me, a purpose driven life is the only one which has meaning. Seems Chris has also found his. Brilliant.
In order to keep pushing the envelope, I have changed the tripod under Air Blade to a new full carbon construction recommended by Arya. The improvement is shocking. Let me repeat, shocking in exponential terms.
Many thanks for the invitation from Marvel. This is the first
time I visited Divin Lab..
The idea of organizing this activity is great. I felt lucky to join this meaningful event on 30 Oct 2021. This is a belated comment ………. a bit sorry for the delay….
The equipment setup and the sonic presentation is of course “top notch”
for certainty. I am sure Chris put a lot efforts in preparing this event.
However, the deepest impact on me is not the songs but the
message communicated with me……. It is really a load on me for some
moment since the event…..
The whole story is very touching….
the unfair situation in Africa (or better
to say still around the world).
the instance when the main character met the girl,
the helping hand he extended alongside the photo he took gave him a glimpse of light in darkness, which encouraged him to keep surviving and subsequently become a pivotal force to help the poor
the influence can be so huge if a simple message is passed
to a right person to spread around. It may even influence the society or the government
to resolve the social problems with further actions
The message to me from this story is not to underestimate of the radiation power of a good clause however trivial the message may seem like, especially if it reach the right person or platform. The consequential positive impact could be far-reaching.
Thanks for Marvel’s invitation.
(By the way, before joining the 音響劇場-茫茫路's activity,
I thought I was going to listen to the song of “茫茫路”……..)
今次真的是一次難忘嘅體驗,因為我可以「看到」音樂呀!人生第一次聽到有層次有質感的音樂。「神曲工作室」的神級設備再加上 Chris 的用心選曲,the whole experience was so impactful!
聽著Chris 分享一個真實的故事,再配合完美的選曲,主角 Rocket 的故事如同電影一樣;悲傷、憤怒、絕望、重生,情節活現眼前。令我感受很深的是coal train 這首歌;完全感受到歌者想表達的黑暗,恐懼!還有,我聽到世界上最完美的 Pachelbel Canon in D 。
而「茫茫路」令我體會到,只要身體力行,其實每個人都可以帶來影響! 不過,今次的體驗真的好毒,完全「返唔到轉頭」!噢!差點忘記彩蛋部分!一向都喜歡聽粵曲,今次還有機會聽到玻璃CD 帝女花,震撼程度非筆墨可以形容!
Winnie Law
「茫茫路 」音樂劇場 -Annas Lee
PS: 他讓我們知道原來一塊木頭也可以影響聲音質素;不同唱盤播放同一隻碟,原來又有很大的分別!
到了上星期六,我比開場時間早了一小時於十時到達,坐在皇帝位細心聆聽Chris為系統作出的幾項改良 (其中包括用上了Massif Audio Design的木材線托是令大眾最感詫異)。聽到Alan Tam的「一生中最愛」片刻,當年電影「雙城故事」裡的畫面再度浮現。曾志偉飾演的角色在譚詠麟這位好朋友懷中離世,同時亦替片中的一段三角關係畫上句號。雖然不是感同身受,但歌曲的感染力比當年看戲時更大!
‘念’是人心裏的話,可以是一個小念頭,一些往事,一個人生目標,甚至是一份執著。劇中的Rocket,希望有小孩子是一個念,在逆境中,他希望了結一生也是一個念,但最後選擇了用攝影去行善,亦是一個念。 AE身體力行用音響作媒界去做善事,也是一個念。
迴響是指可以用能力或行為去令別人支持背後的 ‘念’。人生的旅程像踏進一個迷宮,一個念可以令我們進入逆境迷途,但另一個念亦可驅使我努力從迷宮找到出口。沿途上的廻響往往帯給我更強信念和正確方向。‘茫茫路’ 帶給我一個機遇,Rocket的感人故事,Chris的專業態度,樂曲的絕妙安排都啓發了我,希望在未來的日子可以實行。
I participated in Chris’ event last year to support Food Angel as it was just a good cause and I got to enjoy a top class audio setup. I saw many fb posts about AE’s charity event this year and they got me very curious because reading the many posts from those who have been to it, it sounds like it was going to be another level up. Although I didn’t know exactly what to expect, I was eagerly waiting for the day to come when I can experience for myself what all the enthusiasm was about.
I went with a friend and we joined a group of record industry people. We arrived earlier and Chris warmed us up with a few songs off the Wadax Atlantis Reference streamer/DAC. Immediately, I was seeing an IMAX movie played out right in front of me. It was audio only for sure but this description is not an exaggeration.
In the play 茫茫路, we heard a variety of songs. Some are rich and colourful, others a brand new take on familiar tunes. However, more than anything else, I appreciate the way Chris unfolded the story. These days, we are all used to getting everything upfront and fast but when you get a chance to walk along with the person on a journey, the experience takes on a whole new dimension and is another reminder that good things come to those who wait.
Needless to say, the gears were super impressive and the setup was meticulous. To put something up smoothly in such a scale takes a lot of effort and preparation and this one has all the hallmarks of Chris’ passion in everything he does. The song selection, the version of the song selected, which setup to use for which recording, the ongoing tweaks to make it just that “little bit” better each time. That’s dedication. That’s excellence.
The real life story of how Rocket found his purpose certainly makes one think about their own life mission. We all want to enjoy life but for me, a purpose driven life is the only one which has meaning. Seems Chris has also found his. Brilliant.
「茫茫路」賞後感 by 玫瑰崗中六好友/張教授
Chris富有情感地敘述了主角的心路歷程,並配上合適的音樂,輕易帶我們進入他的世界。通過神曲工作室的音響系統,竟能呈現了一個又一個聲樂交融的「畫面」,音樂散發出的能量震撼心弦。Rocket的悲痛苦況,讓我想起聖經的 “約伯”。有時候神的安排,讓人真的猜不透,但往往籍某些人某些事,串聯起來,才能明白固中的奧妙。
Carrie, Ida, Vivian and Professor Albert Cheung
Many thanks for the invitation from Marvel. This is the first time I visited Divin Lab..
The idea of organizing this activity is great. I felt lucky to join this meaningful event on 30 Oct 2021. This is a belated comment ………. a bit sorry for the delay….
The equipment setup and the sonic presentation is of course “top notch” for certainty. I am sure Chris put a lot efforts in preparing this event.
However, the deepest impact on me is not the songs but the message communicated with me……. It is really a load on me for some moment since the event…..
The whole story is very touching….
- the unfair situation in Africa (or better to say still around the world).
- the instance when the main character met the girl, the helping hand he extended alongside the photo he took gave him a glimpse of light in darkness, which encouraged him to keep surviving and subsequently become a pivotal force to help the poor
- the influence can be so huge if a simple message is passed to a right person to spread around. It may even influence the society or the government to resolve the social problems with further actions
The message to me from this story is not to underestimate of the radiation power of a good clause however trivial the message may seem like, especially if it reach the right person or platform. The consequential positive impact could be far-reaching.
Thanks for Marvel’s invitation.
(By the way, before joining the 音響劇場-茫茫路's activity, I thought I was going to listen to the song of “茫茫路”……..)
多謝Chris 特別為我的朋友加開一埸「茫茫路」慈善活動為惜食堂籌款。今天是我第二次踏足「神曲工作室」。