First Picture of Intonation Speaker by Da Vinci
One of the most highly anticipated high efficiency speakers under the AE umbrella in 2007 is definitely the Intonation by Da Vinci Audio. The design is open baffle. The cabinet is made of MOON wood with 8 layers of violin lacquered painted by a violin maker. The process of painting the lacquer takes more than 1 month as they cannot be painted without the 1st layer completely dried up. The intonation features the 100db Supravox driver with an active bass module. The bass module is also by Supravox which will be able to match the speed of the full range driver. How would it sound with a complete grandezza system? We will find out in April.
After the Grandezza experience with the little Kharma speaker, my expectation for the Intonation speaker is sky-high. I am more certain why you guys raves so much abt the SRA platforms. The 4 Ohio underneath the Grandezza system must contribute a significant part of the magical soundstage. I miss the voices. My ongaku gives me different voices, it's beautiful but as real and lively as what I heard from the Grandezza.
I wonder the Kondo ongaku could drive the Intonation well. When will it arrive Hong Kong? Please drop me a note.