looking forward for your first impressions. Common, gives us just a little hint where're you heading... This preamplifier looks are shining with the energy of eternal timeless elegance. If all the Dalby accessories so far made such an impact, I guess this will be a continuing story and a real marvel.
Yes, I use tube preamplifier. Even rectifier is tube. These days it seems, that lot's of contemporary tube amplifiers are good, but very few excel.
Which preamp are you using now? The D7 is like a firework of immense sparkling color with a grandeur staging always at the backdrops. The balance between tonal resolution, transient resolution and staging resolution is the most well-done according to my subjective interpretation.
Da Vinci places more emphasis on tonal resolution. Tron excels in transient resolution. Robert's takumi has a fine balance between tonal resolution and transient resolution. But Da Vinci, Tron and Robert Koda cannot reproduce the staging resolution of the Tidal Prescenio which is the champion of the champion.
The D7 has equal weighting on all of these attributes.
thanks for elaboration. I'm using Lamm preamplifier.
From your description it seems, that D-7 holds all the best. If I understood it correctly, you're rating it even higher then Tidal Presencio when combining everything?
I dont mean that. After all these years, I know there is no absolue best in this world. It has to be taken into the account of one's preferences in music and acoustics backdrops.
I am lucky to have a few systems at the same time. It's like having a few wives at the same time. Who is better? Depends on mood and different ages in life.
The D7 is a top notch preamp, bar none copying Marvel's words. But Tidal Prescenio in my mind is the most transparent and neutral preamp ever made; not made for everyone.
I dont mean that. After all these years, I know there is no absolue best in this world. It has to be taken into the account of one's preferences in music and acoustics backdrops.
I am lucky to have a few systems at the same time. It's like having a few wives at the same time. Who is better? Depends on mood and different ages in life.
The D7 is a top notch preamp, bar none copying Marvel's words. But Tidal Prescenio in my mind is the most transparent and neutral preamp ever made; not made for everyone.
Are you using tube preamp?
looking forward for your first impressions. Common, gives us just a little hint where're you heading... This preamplifier looks are shining with the energy of eternal timeless elegance. If all the Dalby accessories so far made such an impact, I guess this will be a continuing story and a real marvel.
Yes, I use tube preamplifier. Even rectifier is tube. These days it seems, that lot's of contemporary tube amplifiers are good, but very few excel.
Da Vinci places more emphasis on tonal resolution. Tron excels in transient resolution. Robert's takumi has a fine balance between tonal resolution and transient resolution. But Da Vinci, Tron and Robert Koda cannot reproduce the staging resolution of the Tidal Prescenio which is the champion of the champion.
The D7 has equal weighting on all of these attributes.
thanks for elaboration. I'm using Lamm preamplifier.
From your description it seems, that D-7 holds all the best. If I understood it correctly, you're rating it even higher then Tidal Presencio when combining everything?
I dont mean that. After all these years, I know there is no absolue best in this world. It has to be taken into the account of one's preferences in music and acoustics backdrops.
I am lucky to have a few systems at the same time. It's like having a few wives at the same time. Who is better? Depends on mood and different ages in life.
The D7 is a top notch preamp, bar none copying Marvel's words. But Tidal Prescenio in my mind is the most transparent and neutral preamp ever made; not made for everyone.
I dont mean that. After all these years, I know there is no absolue best in this world. It has to be taken into the account of one's preferences in music and acoustics backdrops.
I am lucky to have a few systems at the same time. It's like having a few wives at the same time. Who is better? Depends on mood and different ages in life.
The D7 is a top notch preamp, bar none copying Marvel's words. But Tidal Prescenio in my mind is the most transparent and neutral preamp ever made; not made for everyone.