AE sponsors JAAP/LANG LANG Concert on Dec 15/17
JAAP/Lang Lang Concert
AE is honored to sponsor the upcoming JAAP/Lang Lang Concert on Dec 15/17 by HK Philharmonic at the HK Cultural Centre.
Lang Lang is one of the most respected Chinese pianists in the world winning accolades from numerous prestigious institutions. To name a few, he was chosen by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to be a United Nations Messenger of Peace in 2013. Lang was chosen as an official worldwide ambassador to the 2010 Shanghai Expo. He was selected by Time magazine as the 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2009. Lang was appointed by the United Nations' Children's Fund (UNICEF) as an International Goodwill Ambassador in 2004. The Chinese government selected him as a vice-president of the All-China Youth Federation.

I am very keen to experience his live performance of Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No.3. To me, the most soulful of all Beethoven’s music is found in his piano concertos, more so than violin concertos. There is a profound beauty and elegance in the middle movement of No. 3. that resembles Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 24 from its key signature of C minor through to intricate details of phrasing, and orchestral color within each movement.
According to music historian, Beethoven performed most of the No.3 from memory on April 5, 1803 because he ran out of time to transcribe the piano section on paper.
I look forward very much to Lang Lang’s rendition of it alongside other artful fugue pieces by Bach and Berio on Dec 15.
Chris Leung
December 6th, 2023
December 6th, 2023