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巴洛克時期音樂、歌德式建築與現代室內音效Room Acoustics的奇妙關係 PART 2

隨之而來的文化發展,令市民開始對公共場所有要求。他們希望有寬敞,明亮的地方去欣賞越趨是世俗化而非宗教尊享的 – 音樂!羅馬風格建築的堡壘般粗笨外形,遠遠不能滿足市民們的願望。而且,羅馬風格建築還因為結構方法不完善而帶來了音效上的缺點。例如:中廳兩側的支柱大小及分隔形式不夠簡單直接,每個天花十字拱頂中央隆起之空間不夠簡結,聖壇和後方的環廊,禮拜室等形狀又復雜不規則。這種環境令大型音樂表演的反撞聲情况嚴重,而且難以控制。形成了聲音混雜起來,難以享受到樂曲中對位和弦的優美旋律。


配合時代的發展,到了16-17世紀羅馬風格建築的問題都被一整套富有創做性的結構體系解決了。這時候,建築工匠進一步專業化,石匠,木匠,鐵匠,焊接匠,抹灰匠,彩畫匠,玻璃匠等分工很细,手藝很精。他們使用量度外圓,內圓,方角,直線等的各種規和尺也是精準的。工程中粗笨的部份大為減少。而且在那個多才多藝的年代裡,其實許多人都兼具有建築、繪畫、雕刻、音樂等等的專長與技能。關於建築與音樂等不同領域間的藝術統整,在文藝復興時期已有達文西(Da Vinchi)、柯爾柏蒂(Leon Alberti)等人嘗試去整合。到了那個年代更發放光芒萬丈。


例子:米蘭大教堂在1386年開始興建,直至1897年才正式完全完工,歷時超過5個世紀,工程的巨大程度,可想而。不管你是不是天主教徒,都會被那登峰造極的歌德式藝術所迷住。教堂正面高度足有 67.9米高,相當宏偉,大門外的雕刻令整個建築更有層次感,表現出教堂的尊貴。教堂內的詳和及嚴肅的感覺,和教堂外匆忙、形役,有著強烈的對比,猶如一間人世心靈避難所。素以宏大而聞名的教堂,共有5個中殿,中殿高度達45.55米,由52枝巨型雲可柱支撐整個教堂,能同時容納4萬人,平素當然沒有這麼多人。(參考相片)

那麽巴哈的音樂在這樣一個環境中,又有什麼奇妙音樂及音效關連?事實上,巴羅克時期的音樂為了表現,精心創造了精確的音樂修辭,組合了富節奏性而和諧的形象、上升樂句或下降樂句的剖析圖面以及休止符的停頓,而每一個單元都附予一個象徵的意義。在廣濶高大的歌德式建築物內,高音與低音的對位配合,不再受反撞聲而變質。巴哈十分熟稔巴羅克音樂的修辭法,並加以充分運用配合教堂中的音效。耶穌受難曲、清唱劇 (cantata)、管風琴合唱曲等氣勢磅薄的創作都充分流露巴羅克音樂的修辭特性。


音樂演奏是有時間性的藝術,但也不排除空間的體驗。音樂結構首先要考慮的是音與音之間的關聯。音樂中沒有任何曲風的要素能夠獨自存在。相反地,高音與低音的差距、節奏的對比、賦格中主題與反主題形成的張力、各調性不同的音色,都會浮現一個空間。這個由演奏創做出來的空間與現實的空間能否配合,就成為了聽眾能否體會到音樂家所想所做的重要因素!套用在現代,音響系統能否播放出演奏創做出來的空間,而聆聽環境又能否配合這空間。這成為了AUDIO EXOTICS其中一個努力的目標!當然没有人會住在歌德式大建築內,還聽Hi Fi。但在我們小小的客廳或房間中,有什麼Room Acoustics小工程可做,而達到高度迫真原音再現?音樂與建築歷史的巨流中,還有什麼引領我們呢?巴洛克之後的古典,浪漫時期又怎樣配合建築音效?現代建築之父交托了什麼給我們,而我們又把他遺忘?



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    What are you writing about? Religion? Can someone translate? Marvel bro, what kind of stuff is Jlam yelling here?
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    Jlam, how many parts in total? Very interest article, very good and well written.

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    You might want to study some Chinese as you miss a very interesting and well written piece of work by J summarising his 3-months research work on the history of architecture and music and how they intertwined with each in their relationship with room acoustics. To me, I need to read it 2-3 three times in order to understand it although it is written structured and organised.

    Is there any dealer that you have met possessing similar substance and communications skills as J and PianoTuner, I am too green to meet one. The community certainly needs more of these people to foster the industry.

    My recent experience with another dealer was that I asked for some check up on my French SACD player as its mechanical parts are not working smoothly, they did not come to collect it, then I packed it up and took it to their showroom and had arranged in advance that they sent someone downstair to take it because there is no parking space over there. On that day, when I called them up, they said they had arranged someone to audition their product and suggested me to bring it up....this is the way they treat existing customer and potential customer...what to say...Fierce Marvel immediately turned mad and eventually they came down and took it, how many minutes it took? Less than 10...this is how generous these dealers to their customer in providing maintenance...Difference between hong and parallel import? Just on the price tag...I could even find some parallel importers providing more personalised service...


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    I have read your writing with great interest.

    Correct me if I am wrong, to my limited knowledge and shallow observation, it seems to me that Baroque architecture is decorative, while Baroque music is pure emotion. Both are striking in their own way, but I prefer its music a lot more.


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    Hi Robert,

    First of all, thx for reading my stupid piece. Yes, you may say that. However,as I have mention "創造了精確的音樂修辭" The 音樂修辭 is also match with the decorative style of GOTHIC building. I will write about modern Rm Acoustics and Architecture in the last piece. Hope you won't be bored to sleep.

    JLam MN
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    I asure you that I was not at all bored reading your pieces. I am looking forward to learning from your part 3.

    Re my observation and preference, I feel that the designer/architect could take some (decorative) elements off the Duomo Church of Milan without detracting its beauty; while I feel the music by Bach is more pure and emotional, with more precise and purposeful use of 音樂修辭, thus even more timeless.


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    Marvel bro, that is funny. Wanna play hardball?

    When will your silver batman arrive? The poor bat is killing me softly now.

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