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Divin Laboratory visited by Stereo Sound of Japan



  • edited January 2020
    It was another lucky day for me to visit Divin Lab last Sat to be one of the first to audition the new Da Vinci EQ turntable with Durand flagship Tosca arm and Fuuga cartridge. Phono stage is Zanden flagship, Jinpu. Phono cable is Argento flagship. 

    As a Fuuga user, I am familiar with her openness and magnificent soundstage. What surprised me the most was the expressive singing tones of this setup. For chamber music, I could immediately hear the extreme fluidity of music. The contrast of
    emotions is huge. Lyrical coherence is natural.  Each musician is telling a story by their instruments.  Some are talking to me. Some are singing to me.  Some are radiating virtuosity.

    Compared to Hartvig, this setup has richer tonal colour and seemingly lesser resolution. However, once you are drawn into the world of Da Vinci EQ, Durand Tosca and Fuuga, musicality perpetuates.

  • I received a 2 minute video of this beautiful setup from PT. Even on the phone, the sound quality of the violin is amazing.  My wife asked me who is playing the violin from a distance. The powerful energy of the violin can be felt too.  
  • I also received it. The violin is shockingly beautiful. Hard to believe it is a clip recorded by iPhone 11
  • 昨天我帶了媽親大人去神鋪聽波叔的光棍因緣,佢一次過聽了全張CD。媽子話,不是聽,而是在看戲的感受。梁生介紹我們聽美空雲雀,媽子竟然有feel,日本大戲佢都like,真係想唔到,結果又聽了全張黑膠。媽子問梁生究竟他是否能在我們家中,做到這効果,都係果句,搞唔掂,我不會找尾數。最起碼,我老媽要知道今次最起碼,找到梁生是能夠做到如看戲的効果。
  • Audio Napoleon,

    我相信你們聼美空雲雀時是在左手面的黑膠盤播放,其實兩個唱盤各有特色,但美空氏運氣出聲的爆炸力和動態在左面的tosca唱臂播放下更見迫力1  右面的hartvig唱盤加上thales simplicity statement 臂䃕做出的現場比例就更見迫真!  魚與熊掌,取捨確非容易。
  • Marvel, 我其實不太清楚邊部,總之媽子勁like,麻煩了梁生兩個多小時。我地不懂聽什麼比例,因為我們是在睇演唱會。媽子好醒,佢話買音響是選擇人,而不是牌子。

    當然,玩法不同,好似我班朋友,有麥拿倫,大牛,法拉利,但他們不是Senna。但買來show off 一下身家,也無何厚飛。這個音響圈其實好似班太太在Facebook, Instagram, show off手袋一樣,各個音響網站日日都有開箱篇,技術性交流極少,講來講去,都是你買了未呢?所有的家訪也是報喜不報憂。何來認售性?

  • For the first time, I changed the Goebel Divin Majestic for bi-wire configuration. 

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