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    我收到一個好LIVE concert的video,是關了燈,四面有星星投射,是張學友現場唱祝福。究竟是不是在神曲錄影的嗎?
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    edited September 2020
    昨天AE搞咗兩場中秋節演唱會, 監製當然係PT。 當日所有黑膠唱片一律得到Zanden Audio的Yamada san越洋提供正確等效曲線(EQ)認可,才作出示範。我參加第一場嘅演唱會全場客滿,PT一開始用Wadax Reference DAC播放「黑教堂」和羅文唱「黎明不要來」給觀眾做一個熱身,之後很快就進入戲肉。

    PT運用三支唱臀 ( 2 x Thales Statement, 1 x Durand Tosca),三個不同唱頭 (Thales extreme exotics, Thales Silver Exquisite, and Fuuga 風雅,二個唱盤 (Da Vinci EQ, and Hartvig Statement) 和二部唱放,同場教技播放同一隻黑膠歌目。在場每一個位觀眾其實係擔當評測黑膠歌目在Zanden Jinpu 仁風唱放和Synästec Igniculus唱放的效果。 

    大家大呼過癮(純粹個人意見),去到中場休息,PT揭曉當天新的神兵原來係Argento Extreme Exotic Edition (prototype) 地缐。EEE其實係連接Pranawire Anapurna 到 Pranawire 的 Emerald 管理Stray Noise,神奇的地方這個部件同整個音響系統是完全沒有正接連接。

    在演唱會嘅最後高潮部份,PT播放張學友 (大丈夫,吻別)、盧冠廷和林子祥(最愛)、李宗盛(愛的代價),我聽到一個比紅館演唱會更真實好聽嘅演唱,地點是在「神曲工作室」進行。我認為大家都帶着依依不捨完結第一場演唱會。



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    edited September 2020

    Hi Jeff 

    就Engineering Correctness versus Musicality Correctness,我試試引述 PT 的分享加插些少自己睇法,PT 簡選了好幾張唱片分別在Synastec Igniculus 和 Zanden 仁風作 A B 比較,答案是沒有標準的,各人因應自己的睇法作投票,因為每一台超級器材,都會有自己的演繹方式,就以John William 剛剛出版的 live in Vienna𥚃面其中一首 Indiana Jones 為例,我喜歡 Igniculus 的「大上大落」超闊動態,PT 則喜歡仁風的人性化表現,跟現場比較接近;又以紫釵記為例,PT 喜歡 Igniculus 能夠將任白兩位唱功表露無遺,有朋友則喜歡 Zanden 能夠還原當時的意境。能夠在神曲工作室留低的器材,已經無需要懷疑實力,但如何去maximise 器材的強項和minimise器材的弱項,責任就在用家了。

    有趣的是我們同時亦會對 Solid State 和胆機、器材產地等等有著既定的睇法,我大概在聚會前三十分鐘到達,PT 叫我盲測一下他正在用那一部唱放,他分別在同一唱盤,播放Pires 其中一段莫札特奏鳴曲,兩段演繹分別都很大,一段優雅工整,一段活潑青蔥,我二話不說肯定地回答活潑那段是仁風,Igniculus作為傳統德國製作的唱放,相信不會播出那種活潑的聲音,結果錯晒,那就是我對徳國和日本器材的一些既定睇法。

    EEE 這條地線給我很大的驚喜,FMR EE ground 線,我已用上接近一年,一直都係放於後級,因為中低頻帶俾我的能量,是Dalby Ode Grande未能滿足我的,今次將三條EE 纏在一起,效果卻是全頻的透明度、能量,提升相當之大。不過有一點,我未能分辨出有多少效果是來自Anapurna board 與 Pranawire Emerald,這正是我認為Stray Noise 會是各位 Mega System 的老板們開始要注意的環節嘞😉

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    edited September 2020





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    edited September 2020


    音樂感/工程涵數分別在於兩種設計理念的基礎,Synastec Igniculus 的設計核心,是將不可以變做事實,78db output gain 仍然保持到超低的訊噪比例,配上 Thales EE Gold Coil 唱頭,雖然只得0.2mv,仍然感覺不到有一點吃力,(這反映了Igniculus 便是 EE Gold Coil 的佰樂),效果出來比起仁風是相對理性,從 Yamada San 對 Curve 與 Cutting Machine 的重視,盡量希望還原錄唱片的正確EQ,我認為設計核心是以音樂感行先。

    結果相信不是一面倒的,就我而言,簡單劃分兩者的優點,就在於音樂的種類。錄音室製作,仁風是比較和諧、合理一點,而現場錄音,要交代現場的氣氛,就非Igniculus 莫屬,現場一樣!


    測試EEE 的唱片是一張張學友演唱會黑膠唱片,反差相當之大,一張錄音普通的唱片,頓時變成一張HiFi 錄音的唱片。PT 打趣地說,如果一生人只能夠買一條地線,你就買EEE 吧!

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    edited September 2020


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    How did PT create the starlight ambience? 
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    The ambience is from Sega Toys Homestar Flux Planetarium.
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    That is very creative, bravo!
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    edited September 2020
    The raving success of mid autumn concert was achieved by the avail of 2 turntables, 3 tonearms and 3 cartridges.  PT had extensively elaborated the engineering correctness of Igniculus and musicality correctness of Jinpu are not mutually exclusive. Assuming gain and impedance with respect to the cartridge is correct, it is mostly the type of recording that dictates the comparison outcome. 

    For instance, higher gain phono (beyond +70db and well into +78db) has technical advantage over lower gain phono (+70db) in the playback of live recordings under conventional dynamic speakers. Because it allows the dynamic range to be developed to the widest extent capturing every possible hand crapping, reverberation, and concert venue ambience.  Likewise, playback quality of vintage studio recordings of the past is conditional on EQ curves and vinyl cutting machines.  

    The session was intuitively enlightening with the whole group of audience actively participating in the Q&A and voting of the ‘preferred’ playback.  It is the first time ever an audition session is structured like a workshop seminar.  

    Our shocking experience, besides the starlight projector to render the ambience of a LIVE concert, came from connecting the EEE to the Annapurna platform draining away the stray noises to the Emerald.  I couldn’t imagine what will happen if EEE was connected from the preamp to Tripoint Elite NG. 

    Argento EEE ground wire, on the surface, is as simple as binding 3 FMR EE ground wires into one resembling the FMR EE power cord.  The one that we had
    listened was actually a prototype very close to the finished product.  Ulrik Madsen of Argento should feel confident to finalise the technical design because the test was conducted in Divin Lab with a supreme infrastructure embracing state of the art instruments such as Tripoint Elite NG for ground noise filtration, PranaWire Cloud9 for passive AC filtration, and Annapurna board (and the corresponding Emerald to receive the stray dirt from it) to fight against stray noises. I wonder where else in the world would house such to annihilate different type of noises.  

    Indeed, the EEE had created the biggest listening impact to me.  It had NO direct connection to any electronic components in Divin lab. (All electronics are grounded to Tripoint Elite NG.)  Only the Robert Koda K15EX preamp sits physically atop the board.  

    The EEE takes away the ‘wrong’ from the ‘right’ and make the ‘right’ sounds more ‘right’!


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    edited September 2020
    Chris在這此活動示範了gain如何影響音象的大小。若gain足夠的話,前級音量不用扭太大,從而令整體舞台細一點,比較適合chamber music,jazz或人聲,而當dac或phono的gain較細,而扭大前級音量時,整個音象會放大,較適合播放大型交響樂。整個活動也以堅實的音響知識為基礎。

    若論兩套超級黑膠訊源,則各有千秋,在Divin Lab這套超級系統上,更容易分辨出各組合的特色。一套是筷子臂配Thales金頭,加Hartvig pre phono (27dB放大)再到Igniculus MM放大 (48dB); 另一套是筷子臂配Fuuga到仁風。

    整體而言,Igniculus高低頻延伸較闊,聲音較潤澤線性高密度 (可能是Thales唱頭的聲底),背景亦較靜,控制力十足;Zanden聲音比較直接,大開大合,穿透力較強,氣勢較磅薄,但相對聲音有一點"沙石"。所以Chris認為Igniculus組合人聲無敵,Zanden聽交響樂較優勝。

    但凡事總有例外,亦有個人偏好。我坐皇帝位聽美空雲雀唱「昴」時,我較喜歡仁風的演譯。Igniculus聲音優美,高音高聳入雲,細節豐富,歌唱技巧更清晰地呈現,但我聽仁風版本,雖然hifi感較弱,但感染力較強,有一種莫名的滄桑感,十分配合「昴」的歌詞含義。所以美空雲雀第一句,我已經起雞皮,但Igniculus 只令我覺得優美,卻沒有那份傷感的感覺。


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    增益這一方面,我有一點見解。我的理解PT的意思是,若錄音電平低,而phono/dac的增益又不夠,導致前級的Volume Control要扭到很大,所以結象便被過份放大。所以重點是要知道錄音的電平,才能決定是否要調整phono/dac的增益。

    演唱會錄音通常電平較低,所以如能增加下游電子的增益,應該才能發揮應有的現場器紛。相反,你們常常試的馬五CD,由於眾多樂器的freq range太廣,所以我的Wadax Reference DAC一定要set 1V才可以還源動態範圍。
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