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There are too much "noises" lately. We just can't concentrate on the fundamentals. We must act to kill these "irresponsible" and "nonsense" noises. Indeed, I am thankful of AE's systematic way to deal with noises in a logical and scientific manner.

I was surfing the Tripoint website and spotted the following questions written presumbaly by the designer:

Do you want to recreate the speed of live music?

Do you want to experience lifelike natural dynamics that are not exaggerated with electronic colorations?

Do you want instruments to sound full bodied and lifelike like real instruments?

Do you really want to listen to the whole acoustical space where the recordings took place with decays that have weight and linger in the air?

Does your system have the ability to stop on a dime after the most complex musical passages?

Are you looking for an effortless musical presentation with colorful harmonic details you never knew where in your recordings?

Do you want your electronics to achieve their maximum performance capabilities?

I am sure the "price" of the Spartan will certainly arouse some arrogant red heads but I pity those who lack the knowledge to appreciate the fundamentals and the hard R&D work behind the project.

Please alert me immediately should the SPARTAN arrive HK. Given what the renowned success of the Troy, my confidence on it is high. It will be an interesting comparison between my Wavac AC1 and the Spartan.

We all hate noises, don't we? Why not kill them all before they bug into your head?



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